In Junglebee, it is really important to always indicate the status of a booking for multiple reasons:
Reporting: We separate bookings in the reports according to their status (It is really important to know who cancelled, checked-in and who didn't show up for a tour)
JB Pay: Junglebee sends funds to suppliers and agents for all bookings processed, however, we can't do that unless we know exactly what happened for each of your bookings! We can't pay you for a booking that was cancelled and refunded! Make sure that you always give a booking a status.
There are currently four statuses available for each booking:
Pending: This is the default status for all bookings. When a booking is made, it is by default pending because guests haven't checked in yet, now showed or even cancelled.ย
Checked-in: Once a tour has started, you can go to the passeger list and check-in those guests to indicate that the reservation has been delivered!
No show: If guests didn't show up and you are planning to charge them anyways because they didn't repsect the cancelation policy, then use the No show status.
Cancelled: If at any time you cancel a booking, it will be given a cancelled status.
Watch the below video on how to apply a "Checked-in" or "No show" status:
Thanks for watching :)ย